Lately I have been thinking about our master bedroom a lot. It’s been a work-in-progress since we moved in and honestly I think it was going in the wrong direction. It was way too boring and muted for me. I LOVE color so when everything was so gray, I had an identity crisis. haha You can see how it looks now here. Boring right? But seriously I needed a change and some inspiration. Enter that awesome pillow above. I bought it on sale on a whim, threw it on my bed and was inspired again.

My mom was kind enough to cover some euro pillows with those gray stripes and I am keeping our DIY headboard. But I need some more pops of color. That’s when I found this chartreuse chair. It’s on my wish list at the moment since it’s pretty pricey but I love the shape and color. (I think my new favorite color is chartreuse.) I would also like to paint some abstract art to pull in the colors of the pillow. Every room needs a rug and I think this diamond shag rug would be perfect. Again pricey but I’ve seen look-a-likes for cheaper…. more up my alley.

It may be awhile before it’s done but I’m happy with progress! Sometimes you just gotta hit the reset button and get inspired.

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