FASHION FRIDAY | in real life

I feel like it’s about time to tell you…. how short I am. I’m pretty short. As in Snooki-short. 5 feet 1 inch to be exact. Apparently I must look taller on the blog than in real life? Because more than once when I have met someone that has seen my blog, they follow up the handshake with a “Wow I thought you were taller.” HA thanks.

Yesterday, at Forever 21, my shortness was again brought to my attention. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and headed to the dressing room and low and behold the length fits me perfectly! (Note that this NEVER EVER happens. Jeans are almost always a foot too long which requires tailoring or cuffing.) I proudly headed to the check out with the jeans in my hands. As I’m in line, I look down and read the sticker on the jeans….

CAPRI jeans

Yes I kid you not. Capri jeans fit me like regular jeans. I mean I knew I was short but capri-short?? Wow.

On the other hand, jeans (capri or not) for $10.80 is ri-di-cu-lous.

I’m wearing…

Stripped Tee: Forever 21
Jeans: Forever 21
Flats: Target
Purse: Fossil
Necklaces: Stella & Dot
Watch: Target

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