First off, I have to say THANK YOU so much for all the congratulations and well wishes! I was overwhelmed by all the sweet comments on here and facebook! You all are so nice! It’s funny that even some of you had a suspicion when I wrote our love story! haha After reading them all I’m excited to share weekly updates on this growing baby! So here’s the first one 🙂 I am 14 weeks along and due March 21st – the first day of spring! Yay!

I’ve seen other bloggers do posts like this so I thought I’d try it and add my own little twist. I thought it would be nice to write short little notes to Baby to document my pregnancy. I actually wrote one before this and you can read it here.

I’m doing my prenatal care through something called “centering”. Heard of it? Basically instead of going to your regular scheduled OB appointments, you go to “Centering” with a bunch of other women that are due around the same time as you, once a month for 2 hours. The husbands go too. You still get one-on-one time with your midwife/doctor but it offers a bunch of other benefits too. ANYway, at the end of our session last time, we went around and had to fill in the blank “I hope.. I wish… I dream”. I thought it was a cute idea for the blog. So here’s my first…

I know some of you said you were pregnant too so if there is any other pregnant bloggers out there, link up here! I’d love to follow your progress too!

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