Dear Liam,

Oh my babay. Where could I ever begin? In 3 short years you have made such an impact. That is you my Liam. You are bold, funny, happy, and loud; yet so caring and gentle. That contradiction about you is my favorite. The way you love so gently on your cousins almost seems to go against every other personality trait you have but we knew there was something special about you very early on. We nicknamed you Liam The Lover and it stuck. I hope that love you have in your heart never leaves you.

I pray you would channel your passion to Jesus early on in your life and continue to live it out as you grow. I pray you use your fierceness, fearlessness, and independence for good, Liam. I pray you would be wise in your youth. I pray that you would look to the word of God for that wisdom and you would seek after Him with your whole heart. Your determination will get you far in life if you are determined to serve others, love your family, and do good. Your sense of humor is one of a kind Liam! You are just too funny. There’s so many little videos I have that prove that! Music and dancing really bring that out of you. You love being the center of attention and making people smile. I pray you continue to bring joy and laughter to others your entire life.

I hope you will always know how much I love you, Liam! Your Daddy and I were so happily surprised when we found out I was pregnant with you! I remember we laughed together when we found out and we laughed at your ultrasound too because you just had to tell us you were a boy! Immediately after you were born you were smiling! You are such a joy Liam. I hope you keep laughing and maintain that joyous spirit.

I love you so very much!

Love, Mommy

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