2017 GOALS

For the past couple years instead of making resolutions at the beginning of the year, I make goals. Obviously you could make goals anytime but I like the idea of a fresh year and a fresh start. The whole reason I make goals is to live intentionally instead of just letting life happen. This year I really took the time to think through what I wanted my goals to be and formed our family goals with my husband. So I split it up into family and personal goals.


1) Cultivate a grateful spirit in our home

I want our boys to grow up to be thankful, grateful, positive individuals. I want them to know all their gifts come from God and to live out their life’s mission from that perspective.


  • Roundtable at dinner of what each family member is grateful for that day
  • Praying together nightly
  • Encouraging the boys with 1 or 2 things they did that day that was positive

2) Grow our family

I would love if that meant have a 3rd baby! If you’ve followed me for awhile, you might remember it’s a little tough for me to get pregnant. That means we will have to pursue the standard infertility process we did the last 2 times. Those would be the actionable steps.

3) Finish our Emergency Fund

This was a goal in 2016 and I’m happy to say we are half way there but I’d love to see us finish this fund by the end of 2017.


  • Continue to budget every month
  • Track purchases
  • Meal plan

4) Go on a monthly date

We had a difficult past year and now that my husband is in a new career with a different work schedule, this has become super important to us.


  • Keep a monthly planner
  • Contact babysitters
  • Do a weekly temperature reading

5) Take a trip just the two of us

We took a family vacation last year so we would love to take a trip just the two of us this year. We haven’t done this (besides a night away here and there) since before Jack was born.


  • It’s already booked for March!


1) Finish 1 book a month

I keep thinking about the quote: “Readers are lifelong learners.”


  • Read nightly so it becomes routine
  • Limit screen time!

2) Minimize & organize our belongings

I started watching minimalist videos on YouTube last year and recently watched the documentary on Netflix so I got inspired to start living more minimally (at least to me!). Plus since we have to move, this will make hopefully make it a lot easier and faster.


  • Sell unused things online
  • Declutter an area or room every week
  • Purge or donate stuff we don’t need

3) Define & maintain a creative outlet

This used to be my blog and freelance work but in recent months and years I haven’t done much with those things. Maybe that’s ok but I keep coming back to having this creative need.


  • Pray daily about direction
  • Journal and create art
  • Blog more often

4) Maintain an active healthy lifestyle

We got a gym membership last February and since then I’ve been working out pretty consistently. I really enjoy the group fitness classes.


  • Go to 2-3 fitness classes a week
  • Meal plan (again!) healthy food
  • Get outside often

Do you have goals for 2017? I would love to hear what they are!

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