Well we made it to the due date! (And past…) Since Jack was 4 days late, I had it in my head that I’ll probably be late again so it’s no surprise that we are still waiting! I have an appointment on Friday so we will see if I make it to that! I’ve been staying very busy with Jack, work and keeping up with house work so the hours go by quickly but the days seem to go slow if that makes any sense! I’m feeling pretty good – it’s just hard to get around, carry Jack, clean, etc. My feet have been swelling like crazy toward the end of the day which I know is probably because I am constantly running around after the little man. My wardrobe sure is waning these days too! I think I have 3 shirts now that fit. ha And the only conversation I have with people is when this baby is coming 🙂 My Mom has been texting non-stop to see if anything has changed. haha

The car seat is installed, the clothes are washed and folded, the diapers are stocked, and rock n’ play is set up. We’re ready for you baby!

Me at 40 weeks with Jack!

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