Recent Jack moments I don’t want to forget…

  1. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, he exclaims “Naked Baby!”
  2. Every time I put my hair in a top knot, he points to it and cries “Mommy down!”
  3. His face when I say “Smile!” (see above)
  4. Helping his chubby short legs walk down stairs
  5. The sound of his laugh when he’s being tickled
  6. The expression on his face when he thinks he hears a truck
  7. After my grandma comes out of the bathroom, he yells “GG poop!”
  8. When he finds his nuk, he exclaims “Ohhh yess!”
  9. Everytime he says “Ooly Talully” for Talullah
  10. How excited he gets to shovel snow with Daddy, he can’t get those snow pants on fast enough. Just wait kid, just wait 🙂
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