Okay so I feel WAY bigger than it actually looks like I am in this pic. Maybe it’s my imagination?? haha Either way I’ve reached the half way point! It’s been said over and over but this 2nd pregnancy is flying by compared to my first. I’m glad I’m doing these little updates once and awhile otherwise I will blink and it will be over!

Honestly this pregnancy was met with much worry – almost like I was waiting for something bad to happen. It couldn’t be that we got pregnant naturally and I’m having a healthy baby, right? Oh me of little faith. The mid-way point ultrasound was perfect and now that I know he’s a boy, I feel closer to him. I am letting myself love him and dream about who he will be. God has been gracious and I am so thankful – overwhelmingly thankful. I need to say it more to Him. So I am praying all anxiety and worry about pregnancy, labor decisions, etc would be under Him. It’s in his control. My faith is in Him.

Here’s a link to me at 20 weeks with Jack (wasn’t this yesterday!?!) I obviously had more time to do my hair back then haha.

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