I’ve been pondering this for awhile but now feels like the right time. It’s the middle of fall, I’ve recently finished up some freelance projects, and want to take a break from all the todos and just enjoy time with my little family. I felt inspired to take a blog fast after listening to my friend’s experience with fasting and a recent sermon at our church on fasting. I tend to forget fasting doesn’t have to be just from food!

Don’t get me wrong, I love blogging but when I start feeling like my blog is just another todo, I know it’s time for a break. So I’m taking the month of October off from blogging AND reading blogs (that one may be harder even!) I’ll be back in November hopefully feeling refreshed and full of new ideas and projects. I’ll still be posting on instagram so you can follow me there in the meantime :).

Thanks for understanding friends!

Don’t want to leave you picture-less so here’s a favorite I came across today:

Have a wonderful October!

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