Life with this cast has been getting old and we are all ready for it to be gone. We’re very anxious for when Jack can go back to running and playing like he used to. Plus that cast has seen better days. He tries to walk on it, drags it across his crib rails, the floor, and whacks it into just about everything including me. OUCH. We will be much more careful on slides from now on!

In other random Jack news, he now has all 4 molars, was surprisingly incredibly still at his last haircut, and cries to go outside (which was the case this morning). He has been getting really good at stacking blocks and is at about 5 before they fall down. He has started making vroom noises when he plays with cars and is fascinated by planes, any type of truck and dog, and balloons. Every Friday morning we watch the garbage trucks pick up the trash which he could stare at all day. He still loves walks in his stroller and is completely content if he has 2 pacifiers. (That’s gonna be a hard one to break!)

I’m loving this stage because so much of his personality comes through. He is such a little ham and so fun to be around. Everyday he does something new or funny and we love watching him grow! We’re anxiously waiting sunny weather and days of running at the park!

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