HELLO 2013

Hello 2013! I never really thought about you but here you are. 13 years from the turn of the century. Wow.

For some reason this year, I don’t feel super compelled to set any goals or resolutions (I probably will later ha). But I’ve been thinking a lot about hope. Since I have absolutely no idea what this year will hold, it comes down to hope.

Here’s what I’m hopeful for:

I’m hopeful for my journey as a Mom, my marriage being strengthened, my spiritual life being deepened. I’m hopeful for being intentional with my time, keeping motivated, and setting my eyes on the eternal. I’m the most hopeful for new mercies that will allow me to do these things. By the grace of God, I want to learn to be less selfish, less idle, and more focused on Him.

When I opened my devotional this morning, guess what the theme of this month is: hope. I want to remember this for the new year:

“There is much we do not know [about the new year]. But there is much we do know with absolute assurance. We know that God is in control and that his heart is good and merciful toward us. We know that we are not alone. We know that everything that happens in our lives has already passed through our Father’s hands. And we know that we are loved.” – The Women of Faith Daily Devotional

Happy New Year and New Mercies!

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