Jack was dedicated this past weekend at our church. The dedication service was an opportunity for D and I to dedicate our son to the Lord, promise to raise him with Christian values, and acknowledge the gift and responsibility that he is. It was a lovely time to celebrate Jack with our families and thank God for him.

WELL… our dedication was a tad different because we decided to do the dedication service with our small group. I have mentioned our small group before here and here. What I haven’t told you is this cool story…

Going back to September of last year, I was 13 weeks pregnant and about to share the exciting news with our small group. This particular week we decided to grill out at a park and then go for a walk around the area. As we were nearing the end of our walk, I knew it was time to tell. There’s not really a graceful way of leading into news like that so I basically blurted it out. After the initial “ahhh congratulations”, Chelsea starts laughing and says “me too!”. I turn to look at her in amazement. Oh my gosh! I wasn’t expecting that reaction! No way! How weird that 2 couples out of the 4 are pregnant! So exciting!

As we are both chatting away about due dates and morning sickness, we all made our way back to the picnic tables. Beth interjects…”Well I wasn’t going to say anything but we are pregnant too.” My eyes widen and stare at her. Wait… what?!? D and I are pregnant, Chelsea and Sam are pregnant, and Beth and Matt are pregnant too? All at the same time?! Haha All I could do is smile and laugh. I sure wasn’t expecting that reaction! We figured out I was due in March, Chelsea in April, and Beth in May.

The fourth couple, Laurie and Dan were already going through the adoption process and were hoping to bring Evan home soon. It just so happened that right on schedule, I had Jack in March, Chelsea had Annie in April, Beth had Nora in May, and Laurie and Dan brought Evan home the week Nora was born :).

Two boys and two girls within 3 months, making 4 couples parents for the first time, together. If that isn’t a God story, I don’t know what is!

Chelsea, Sam + Annie

Beth, Matt + Nora

Laurie, Dan + Evan


And everyone at the dedication service:

What good fellowship we once enjoyed
as we walked together to the house of God
– Psalm 55:14

The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving. – Daniel 9:9

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