Jack and I survived the first week! Hurray! Seriously I feel like it’s an accomplishment – this momma thing is hard work! I’m not complaining though because our baby Jack is healthy, happy, and eating good! A couple of my realizations this week…

  • Birth plans are tentative (I will share my birth story soon)
  • Jack runs the show now!
  • A simple run to Target is not so simple
  • My body is unrecognizable to me and healing takes patience
  • Breastfeeding hurts and it’s not because his latch is wrong
  • Routines and schedules are not an exact science
  • Baby smells are one of the best things in life
  • Baby cheeks are a close second
  • God is good

I could write so many more but those are the ones on the top of my head at the moment – just a glimpse into my personal thoughts as D and I adjust to life as parents. What a wonderful, terrifying, exciting, thrilling, and overwhelming time! Enjoy the photos 🙂

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