FAQs | ask me anything!

This post comes directly from my inbox :). I get asked some of the same questions through email so I thought it may be time to do a Frequently Asked Questions post. Also here’s your chance to ask me other questions in the comment section and I’ll try my best to answer them! Here goes…

What kind of camera do you use? I use a Canon Rebel T1i. It’s a great camera for beginners and has served me well over the past 3 years!

What’s your favorite lens? Hands down, the 50mm 1.8. It was only $100 bucks and helps me achieve that shallow depth of field I love so much. I almost always shoot wide open at 1.8. I’m actually using it in the photo above 🙂

Who takes your fashion friday photos? Most of the time, I do with a tripod and remote. Occasionally my sister or my husband will but usually you can tell because if I’m doing it, you won’t be able to see one of my hands since I’m holding the remote! haha

Where did you go to school and what at did you major in? I went to the University of Wisconsin – Stout and got a BFA in Multimedia Design. Stout is a great school for Fine Arts and offer degrees in everything from Packaging Design to Apparel Design. Multimedia Design focused on Interface/Web Design, 3D Modeling and Animation, and a strong emphasis on Graphic Design. I was also required to take studio classes like drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.

What are your top three favorite sites for design inspiration? Pinterest (of course), FFFFound, and Nubby Twiglet. But there’s so many good ones – it really depends on what I’m looking to get inspired by! Sometimes I just wander around Anthropologie or take a walk outside for inspiration.

Who do you use for printing? I work with a local printer that now knows me by name :). I have found it helpful to my business and clients to build relationships with vendors. I get better results in a faster time frame and they save all my designs and give out my name as a reference.

What software do you use when designing? I use Illustrator for logos and illustrations and Photoshop for design layout.

When is your baby due? March 21, 2012 🙂

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