I am now 16 weeks which means only 4 weeks until I’m half done! So weird. AND in 2 and a half weeks, we find out if it’s a girl or boy! I seriously can’t wait. Any guesses? My whole family including D and I think it’s going to be a boy and I’ve been focusing most of my efforts on boy names. That would be hilarious if we were all wrong! I feel like knowing will make it all the more real and give me the green light to start buying stuff!

My sister gave me a bunch of maternity clothes which I’ve started wearing little by little (thanks Hannah!). I’m in that stage where I have to ask “do I hide the bump today or show it off?” haha I haven’t had any strangers ask if I’m pregnant yet so I’m still waiting until I look pregnant enough for it to be safe to ask!

Thanks again to all of you for your warm wishes. I really appreciate it!

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