

I loved doing the 52 project last year even though I missed weeks here and there and a bunch at the end of the year. I went back and looked at all the 52 posts and couldn’t believe how they both had grown. So many memories and moments I might have otherwise missed. Mostly just hanging around the house but still so significant to me. Yay for a new year and new moments waiting to be captured. Love these little guys.

Liam (19 months): Around Christmas he decided he was done with being strapped in at meal time. Yay for putting the ugly baby seat away, boo to standing up while eating and not listening!

Jack (3 & more than a half!): Naptime is a rarity these days with this one. He’d much rather play planes, draw, write his letters, watch the iPad, talk my ear off.. anything but sleep! 🙂

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