
One of my goals this year is to blog at least once a week. The main reason I set this goal is because I love documenting and looking back on life but I also need to be realistic with my time. Prior to baby #2 I was blogging 3-4 times a week but I realize that’s not always going to be possible. And that’s okay! I’ve said it before – I love blogging and still want to contribute to this space. It just looks a little different these days!

Often times it’s so much easier to capture moments with my iPhone but I want to make a point to pick up my camera more in 2015. This 52 project challenge originally came from the Jodi at Practising Simplicity but Kelli Murray also inspired me to do my own! I plan to take a photo of each of my boys every week this year. I can’t wait to see them grow and change.

Lots of nights around here include bathtime, dinosaurs, and chubby arms. 🙂

Anyone else doing this project this year? It’s not too late to start!

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