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With the new year, I thought I’d reintroduce myself to you all. I know this little blog has gotten less attention in the past year and it’s due to several things, namely baby #2! Plus I treat instagram like a miniblog so I’ve felt less inclined to actually blog here. BUT you should see the list of blog post ideas I have. Now if I could find some time. I heard once that time is the only thing you can’t get more of. You can get more money if you earn it, more relationships if you can seek them out, more stuff if you buy it, but time is the only thing that is finite. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. And since I’m focusing on balance in 2015, I hope and plan to use my time wisely but not beat myself up if I don’t “get it all done”. Anyway back to the bullets…

  • My name is Kelly Hicks. My maiden name was McWaters. Quick story: A couple months after we got married, we took the trip to the DMV to get my name changed on my driver’s license. No biggie right? Well it just so happened we went early on a Saturday morning basically in our pjs; glasses, no makeup, hair pulled back. Well since my address hadn’t changed I thought it would be a quick thing and they wouldn’t have to retake my photo. I was wrong. As the lady asked me to smile for the camera, I had this annoyed look on my face. I half faked a smile, grabbed the new license, and stormed out with my new husband. In the car I glanced down at my new driver’s license. Hideous. I glanced next to the photo: KELLY HICKS. I burst out crying. My new hubby looked at me bewildered and asked what was wrong. I blurted out in between tears “Kelly Hicks is ugly! Kelly McWaters was beautiful!” hahaha I swear I’m not crazy. Just a little identity crisis. I have since come to terms with my ‘new’ name. And got a new driver’s license. 🙂
  • I have 2 younger sisters. They are the best.
  • I went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Stout and was an Art major with a emphasis in Multimedia Design. That’s where I met my hubby Dustin. We’ve been married 7 years.
  • We lived in Arizona for 4 and a half years and I think of that time fondly as our “married life with no kids” period. We have very dear friends there that we both miss!
  • We now live in my hometown Rochester, Minnesota so I’m happy to be close to my parents and one of my sister’s and her family.
  • I have worked at IBM for 8 years (!) and was first hired on in Tucson, AZ right after college graduation. I worked on designing user interfaces for storage products. Yeah don’t ask or you will get a glazed look over your face. I now work on designing websites and apps for golf and tennis events still through IBM… weee! It’s fun.
  • I still do freelance design including branding and wedding invitations and have been working on getting my portfolio updated. Go check it out.
  • I used to dabble in photography but found it’s best for me as a hobby.
  • I have 2 boys, Jack and Liam. They are my heart. Jack is 2 and Liam is 7 months. Since I had all sisters, I love getting to experience brothers as well.
  • I started blogging when I lived in Arizona as a creative outlet since my job as a user interface designer was highly technical and *ehem* boring. Then I just never stopped!

Welcome friends!

Post idea came from one of my favorites JDC.

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