When we found out we were having a 2nd boy, we decided we didn’t want to buy another crib. That meant Jack would be transitioning into a big boy bed prior to baby’s arrival. This is kind of an overwhelming decision since we weren’t sure how it was going to go and how it was going to affect everyone’s sleep! Not to mention how it would affect his bedtime routine. D and I both had pretty low expectations since Jack has never really been the best sleeper. But we knew we wanted to give him plenty of time to get used to it before his brother came home.  The day we put together Jack’s big bed, you wouldn’t believe his excitement! He kept hopping onto the bed, pulling up the covers and repeating “snuggle!”. It probably helped he “tried out” every single bed at Ikea. haha

The transition has actually gone pretty smooth! He has been in this bed for about a month and half and always stays in bed until he falls asleep. The first week or so, I stayed in there and laid by him until he was asleep so I think that helped the transition. Slowly I started explaining to him Mama had to go to sleep too and then I would lay by him for a couple minutes before leaving the room. D and I were shocked when he actually stayed in there still awake!

We got him a low-to-the-ground bed so we wouldn’t have to worry about him falling out and getting hurt. We also put some pool noodles on either side underneath the fitted sheet. So far so good! The pool noodles really help since often I find him completely sideways on the bed haha. He usually gets out of bed by himself in the morning around 6:30 and comes in our room to snuggle. Don’t mind that at all :).

This room isn’t officially done yet, I’d love to get him a play tent like this and add some baskets to his bookshelf.

If you’re curious on what his room looked like before, check out this post of the nursery.

Source List: Bed, Bedding, Throw Pillows, and Nightstand: Ikea, Basket: Target

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