Feeling huge over here! Everywhere I go I hear “You must be close!!”. Today it was “Stopping here before the hospital?” Yeah something like that… except that I still have 4 weeks left haha. This past week has been a little more tiring and frustrating. Sleep is hard yet I am so tired. I’m pretty sick of sleeping on my sides and wake up in order to switch sides. I almost fell asleep editing these pictures haha. Even though I’m pretty tired, I’m trying to stay motivated to get everything done I want to before he gets here. We are even having a garage sale on Saturday to try to clear some room out of the house. It has felt good to purge and do some spring cleaning.

Even though we have gotten rid of a lot of unnecessary stuff, there’s some essentials I still need. I’ll share a list of my favorites for baby soon. I got anxious on Monday night about all the stuff we still need so I made D go through a huge list with me at 11pm and got online and made some purchases. He was thrilled. Blame it on pregnancy!

I’m also blaming my terrible forgetfulness on the pregnancy. I swear it’s so much worse than last time. I forget everything.. words, appointments, emails, dinner (maybe that’s on purpose), keys, my phone, etc etc. So far I haven’t forgotten Jack (knock on wood!!) Someone please tell me my brain will return when this baby comes!

Me at 36 weeks with Jack.

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