Thank you again for all congratulations on baby #2! God has a funny way of working. It had been on my mind for quite some time to share our infertility story but I didn’t really know where to begin and really didn’t want to open up those emotional doors. Then Melissa approached me about contributing to her blog with a personal story of strength, courage, or growth. At the time we were trying to get pregnant with #2 so all I could think about was the story I never told.

So finally after putting it off, I wrote it down and sent it to her. Somehow it seemed easier to share on someone else’s blog than my own. Shortly (and by shortly, I mean the week that story was posted) I found out I was pregnant. HA We had been trying for months and I was on clomid for those months before we decided we needed a break from the stress. (yes baby-making unsuccessfully is stressful!) The month after we took a “break” from the clomid, scheduling, etc. etc., there was the positive pregnancy test. I literately exclaimed WHAT!?!? to an empty house. D’s reaction was quite similar with a couple of “hows” thrown in. haha To conceive naturally after all this was quite surprising to both of us! But we are thrilled to be pregnant with #2 and add to our family!

So without further ado, here’s is my bumpdate this week 🙂

Me at 16 weeks with Jack:

I guess my bump is about the same size!

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