Here were Days 1-5.

Day 6) Our Small Group

Every week we meet with a handful of other couples to share a meal, get into God’s word, and pray for each other. These couples really have supported us through the past 2 years and I’m so thankful they are in our lives. Here’s a must-read this little story about our small group :). Also can I just tell you that every single meal that is made on Wednesday nights are amazing? Yay for good food too!

Day 7) Girlfriends

So thankful I have girlfriends in my life to connect with, vent to, and have fun with. Obviously I couldn’t share a one picture with all of them so this is just an important handful. These ladies (above) I get to see every week and I’m so thankful for their friendships!

8) Seasons!

I don’t think I fully appreciated all the seasons growing up here but I sure started to when we lived in Arizona! Every year when fall comes, I am amazed my how beautiful the trees are. And those long winters sometimes make those sunny summer days all the better.

Day 9) My Parents

Once you become a parent you realize how much you take for granted your own parents. And that’s pretty sad because my parents are pretty great. They were the ones to introduce me to Jesus, to love me unconditionally, to give me more than I deserve, and to teach me countless of important things (like how to make a really tasty chili and how to sew a throw pillow)! They have been married 30+ years and am so thankful for their marriage and lives.

Day 10) My Husband

November 10th was our anniversary so it was fitting that I am thankful for my hubby on this day! This guy is pretty special. He is calm when I’m worried, level-headed when I’m a mess, funny when I’m grumpy, and motivated when I’m tired. I respect him for his hardworking nature, his intelligence, his handiness, his diligence, and ability to put things into perspective (which I really need sometimes!) He has always loved me for exactly who I am today and is my #1 supporter. Happy 6 years Dustin! Love you!

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