This thankful challenge is meant to be a time to reflect on all the things in my life that I can be thankful for. It is definitely not to draw attention to all the things I have or to show everyone how “blessed” I am. Although I do feel blessed! My hope in sharing this is that others begin to live in gratefulness for all that God has blessed us with. The big things, the little things and maybe even the hard things. (Still workin on that one!) My prayer is that instead of living and striving for what I don’t have yet, I can begin to be thankful for what I do have!

Day 11) Good Health

This is probably the number 1 thing that gets taken for granted but is also the number 1 thing that should never be taken for granted! I am so very grateful for the health of our family. I know it’s something that can change very quickly and drastically so today I am thanking God for our health and well-being.

Day 12) Our House

Our house is just the right size for us and fits all our needs. While it’s easy to get stuck in the trap of “I wish it had..” or “If only we could change..”, I am thankful we have the blessing of owning our own house, making into a safe haven for our little family, and sharing the space with friends and family.

Day 13) My Bed

Maybe this one is weird but I swear to you I have the most comfortable bed in the whole world! Anyone who has sat on it from time to time comments on how comfortable it is. It was our first big purchase after we got married and I am so glad we made it. I am pretty sure Jack agrees because he would just LOVE to be in our bed every night. 😉 Not gonna happen little man!

Day 14) Cousins

Living away from family for almost 5 years makes me thankful to live close by them. It’s so fun to see Jack play with his cousins. He LOVES them so much and we hear every day about Ella and Bubbie.

Day 15) Warm Beverages

It’s all about the simple things, am I right? Doesn’t it just make your day better when you can enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte with Whip?? Sure does for me!

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