I recently read this from It’s A Hunt’s Life:

“I look down in my fashion posts and I’m not afraid to admit it.”

It made me nervous. I’m so GUILTY. Who started this anyways? Some genius fashion blogger I bet. Because I’m convinced I look better when you can’t see half my face. I mean doesn’t everybody? Well except for a couple of the model fashion bloggers out there. So I shall keep looking down in my fashion posts because 1) I am not a model. 2) Awkwardness.

Also if you are reading this and sticking with these Fashion Fridays, God bless your heart. I am so not a fashion blogger. This is just my attempt to be creative with my wardrobe. Awkward head down and all.

I’m wearing…

Sweater: Thrifted
Snood: Gap
Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: H&M

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