First and foremost, don’t have expectations. Or maybe the worst expectations… that’s better. Then you will be happily surprised if he falls asleep for 5 minutes. And my God, cherish those 5 minutes with your life because after they are over, it’s back to “Eat this! Look at this! No! Don’t pull the lady’s hair! Oh noooo I smell something!”

The best advice I have is one word: SNACKS. The only time Jack sits still is when he’s eating and that kid likes to eat. So we pretty much fed him nonstop for all 4 of our 2 hour flights. Maybe that’s wrong who knows… but I do know it works. Especially for little ones who do. not. sit. still. ever. We brought along puffs, clementines, bananas, yogurt melts (his fave), mum mums, and baby food pouches. We also had his sippy cup, bottle, and pacifier on hand for take off and landing.

Possibly our saving grace was that there was 2 of us. Then he could climb on both of us and be a happy camper. When one of us was disheveled enough, we could hand him off to the other. And if you are really desperate there is always walking the aisle for a change of scenery. Jack has the “shy smile and tilt head at strangers then stick tongue out” down pat that even the bitterest of people will smile at. Now’s the time to use your baby’s cutest to your advantage.

And for those of you traveling alone with your infant, God bless your soul. And double, maybe triple up on snacks.

Good luck brave ones!

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