Thinking: Refocusing, dreaming new dreams, and prioritizing. Somewhere along the way between having Jack and moving into our new house, I realized I don’t need to do more to accomplish more. I started questioning how freelance design fits into my life with this new mommy role. I realized I don’t need to take on more projects and say yes to everything that comes my way to be successful. The most important thing to me is being a successful mama – spending time with Jack and serving my family. That being said, I still have big design dreams but this time I’m focusing on quality over quantity – picking a few things and pouring into them 100% instead of giving 100% to a million things.

Eating: Apples from our apple tree! I’m going to try out this recipe with them tonight.

Listening: Since posting about this marriage series, a former blog sponsor and reader shared another marriage series with me. I have listened to the first 3 sermons and I’m enjoying them! One quote from them that stood out to me:

The happiest marriage is the union of two forgivers.

Watching: Project Runway Season 10. Can’t get enough of this show. Favorites this season are Melissa Fleis and Ven Budhu, although how arrogant is he? Although maybe he has a right to be… did you see this top??

Reading: Calm My Anxious Heart We are reading this in my girl’s Bible study and I’m really enjoying it. It’s about learning contentment in every circumstance – a little something all of us could learn!

Needing: My bangs trimmed! I’m thinking about growing them out again ah decisions, decisions.

Learning: How to be a more well-rounded person. Cooking thinking about cooking more, shutting off the computer at night, doing daily devotions, playing with Jack and Talullah, exercising more, and trying to be a good wife.

Loving: Chan Luu Wrap Bracelets I saw these first hand while I was in NYC. I’m thinking about having my sister order this one! What do you think? How cool are they?

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