Today is the first day I’m officially back to work, which means today is the same day I dropped off Jack at daycare. Tear. I held it together, barely. I falsely thought the day would go fast but it’s pretty much dragging on and it’s not even half over. I miss him!! I keep reminding myself countless moms go through this but all I can think right now is that I’m the only one.

I thought a lot about working moms vs. stay-at-home moms and honestly I am tired of the 2 groups thinking they have it better or worse. Both are hard, both are work, and both have sacrifices. Yes in an ideal world, I would stay at home with Jack. And in an ideal world I would also have time to work, clean the house, cook fabulous meals, unpack ALL my boxes, say yes to every freelance opportunity, and blog everyday! HA I wish! I am learning more and more how to prioritize, be content in my situation, and trust the Lord. My mom reminded me today that the Lord’s ultimate goal is to bring us closer to Him. If that means I have to work everyday while Jack goes to daycare, so be it. I choose to be thankful to Him for a healthy little boy, a great job, a wonderful husband and a new house!

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