Since I will have a lot going on anyway, I’m keeping it simple with only 2 goals for 2012…

1) Choose projects that benefit me professionally, personally, and spiritually.
Let’s go back for a sec… when I started this blog almost 2 1/2 years ago, my intention was to gain freelance design projects, build my portfolio, expand my skill set, and experiment more creatively. And I’m thrilled that this blog and community has helped me achieve those goals! However, about a year and a half ago I started realizing I was taking on more than I should. I was committing myself to projects that yes, I was really excited about but to be perfectly honest, I probably didn’t have time for. As a result, it was taking time away that should’ve been spent with D, friends, and most importantly the Lord. I spent way too many nights up until 3am feeling drained the next day. I realized it was time to set some boundaries and sadly say no to projects that I would love to say yes to. While it continues to be a struggle for me to say no, I know that I am in turn saying yes to my husband and God. And since my son will arrive in less than 3 months, I know I need to be ready for that shift in focus.

In 2012, I want to carefully choose projects that push me forward creatively, doesn’t take away from my personal and spiritual life, and in the end benefits my clients more because I am focusing on bringing my very best to their project. My ultimate goal doing freelance design anyway is ending the project with a happy client!

2) Live by the quote, “Thoughtful actions bring happiness.” This has been on my mind for awhile but unfortunately due to overcommitment (see above!) I haven’t done as much of this as I would like. I think it goes back to this post. I would love to spend more time using my talents and abilities to bring happiness to others. Maybe through sending cards to friends, writing notes to D, making art for friends, praying for others’ needs, and just basically showing God’s love to others through small thoughtful gestures. I’d love to hear how others do this already!

Here’s to a new year and fresh perspectives!

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