I’m really feeling pregnant these days. I am starting to have all the pregnancy aches and pains. yay. I’m not complaining too much though since when I think about it – I AM carrying a human being around! haha You could say the body pillow is in full use 🙂 I knew my body would change but I have to say no one told me my BONE structure would change!

I’m thinking more and more about being a mom and I can honestly say I have no idea what it means or entails haha. I’m excited but it’s that nervous/anxious excitement which I’m sure others before me have felt. I know all my priorities and activities will completely change and I’m trying to prepare myself for that although I know all the preparation won’t suffice for when he actually comes! I think that’s why I’ve been feeling so anxious to get in a house, get all his stuff, register, get his nursery ready, etc. It’s been the perfect time of year for me to think about when and how Jesus came into this world. Mary and Joseph weren’t “prepared” either – I mean she gave birth in a borrowed stable!! I know if God provided a way for His Son to come to the world, He will be looking after our son too. All the preparation in the world won’t matter if I’m not trusting in the Lord to take care of it. I’m also trusting in Him to prepare D and I to be parents – I know we can’t do it on our own!!

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