FASHION FRIDAY | DIY wrap sandals

For awhile I’ve been wanting some cuff ankle sandals but I haven’t found a pair that I absolutely love yet so I decided to make my own version! I had some older black thong heels that I don’t really wear anymore so I added some black fabric and now they look completely different and updated! You guys can all do this and I hardly spent any money! You could even add some hardware to them like little gold studs or a chunky bow to the sides. Have fun with it!

Here’s what I did:

Step 1: Gather materials. You will need a pair of sandals, chalk, fabric, and snaps.

Step 2: Cut a strip about 2 feet long and 31/2 inches wide.

Step 3: To clean up edges (mine were fraying like crazy) fold and iron down both sides.

Step 4: Sew down both sides.

Step 5: Fold over one end of the fabric to one side of the sandal and sew shut.

Step 6: At the other end of the fabric sew 2 snaps on. (Sew the snaps on the inside of the fabric.)

Step 7: Put on the sandal and wrap the fabric around your ankle and measure where the other side of the snap should go. Mark the spot with the chalk.

Step 8: Sew on the other side of the snaps where you marked the chalk. (Sew the snaps on the outside of the fabric.) That’s it! Now put the sandals on and wrap and snap the fabric!

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