Ahh I love brand identity! I am currently working with a non-profit organization called MAPLE Microdevelopment to redesign their identity and website. MAPLE is a great organization that funds field students to train entrepreneurs in developing countries ultimately to fight poverty and empower others.

I naturally started with their logo which needed a little tweaking. The basic idea was already there (combining people with a maple leaf). One of my favorite things in logo design is combining two design elements or images into one.

Since MAPLE is all about reaching people, I wanted the logo to read that. It also needed to be simple, strong, personal, current, and relate to their name. All my design choices were made with that in mind. For example, I simplified the number of people incorporated in order to personalize it further. I also brightened the color for more impact.

I don’t know about you, but I always like to see how a finished logo could be applied. Here is an event flyer I designed for their blog. So what do you think of the new logo? I’d love to hear feedback! Stay tuned because there will be another makeover to share related to this project!

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