FASHION FRIDAY | birthday dork

So yeah I took these pictures in my backyard by myself 🙂 I know I must look like the biggest dork all dressed up posing in front of my camera all by myself haha. Whatever! It’s my 27th birthday today! If you don’t know me, I LOVE birthdays! I sometimes wonder when the birthday will come when I don’t want to celebrate and I think it ALMOST happened this year but I just really can’t hide my excitement for cake, presents, and time with friends to celebrate! So I had to have a birthday outfit to celebrate in… I love this silk dress I found (you know me and florals)!

My Birthday Outfit:

Dress: $24.80 Heritage
Feather Earrings: $5.80 Forever 21
Giant Ring: $3.80 Forever 21
Heels: Chinese Laundry

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