I’m in the middle of designing a logo and needed a little inspiration so I found these on the web. I love logos that are clever and have more than 1 meaning. Aren’t these fun? Which one of these is your favorite?
I’m loving the buglove and penpal logos, but that is probably because I’m just really into hearts lately. 🙂 Good luck with your logo project!ReplyCancel
wow! those are some great designs. i especially like the buglove, sleep records and penpal logos.
I’m loving the buglove and penpal logos, but that is probably because I’m just really into hearts lately. 🙂 Good luck with your logo project!
Pen pals and green labs… they’re both so creative! I love how the double meanings aren’t so obvious at first glance.
I really like bugluv! Playground is very clever, as is foodphotoblog!