AFTER | the storm


The best gifts many times go unnoticed. This past week was my 26th birthday and I was blessed through a young boy and a few scribbles of color.

Going back to a few days before my 13th birthday I remember feeling depressed, worn down, and disappointed in myself. I had had a rough couple months and was not looking forward to celebrating. However, God knew a fresh start was around the corner. As my family prepared my birthday cake and presents I glanced out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful rainbow painted across the sky. Immediately it brightened my day.

Rainbows kept flooding my way throughout the day from rainbows printed on birthday cards to a rainbow colored birthday cake and even a small metal rainbow attached to a ring. These images were not planned but rather an encouraging coincidence. From that day on, I knew God had a great year in store for me.

Thirteen years later, I was reminded again of His amazing love and promises. This birthday God sent my rainbow in a different medium. As strange as it sounds, in the midst of telling my 13th birthday experience to friends at my birthday dinner, I realized what my friend Ashley had presented my gift in 15 minutes prior. It was a craft bag with a rainbow hand drawn by a young boy named Spencer.

This random rainbow that God sent my way brought back reminders of His immanent and personal nature. He longs for a relationship with me and chooses to reveal His beauty because He is a loving, encouraging, and comforting God. And by the way how cool is it that this time the rainbow came through art!

Genesis 9: 12-13

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