Jack’s first Christmas was a success! D and I had a blast watching him “unwrap” presents and wrestling him down to grab the wrapping paper out of his mouth! This was definitely one of the best Christmases we’ve ever had. He made it so joyful.

I am so thankful for our Savior’s birth. He is the reason we celebrate, the reason we give gifts, the reason we have hope. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas eve was full of kisses, laughing, and homemade Italian food. Perhaps a new tradition?

A miniature football is definitely a must-need 😉

Christmas Day mimosas. Another tradition??

Jack’s first Christmas present ever.

I think he likes it.

Then we headed to my parents for my favorite part: the food.

Jack doned a sweater vest and turtleneck.

My niece getting beautified.

Yeah I’m the ghost on the left.

And we almost lost Jack under the wrapping paper.

Luckily the Christmas queen showed up.

Merry Christmas friends!

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