
I saw it coming for awhile but when it actually came I was surprised it was already here. Walking! He’s upright! But he’s only a baby that just came into the world! Anyway, he’s much too fat to walk, isn’t he?

Somehow time just keeps moving forward and when I reflect on the days, I completely feel like I was the spectator. Just watching time pass by. Watching little hands fill up mine. Watching little legs turn from scooting to toddling. But when I catch myself in those moments, I realize I never was just the spectator. I was a participant. I caught his little body that moment before falling into a corner, I scooped up his tummy when he needed up, I shuffled with him as he held my fingers, and I stretched out my arms just so he would have a victory. Those moments shouldn’t be lost on me. I am fully aware they are precious. So today I’m reminding myself that I didn’t just watch from the sidelines as he reached this milestone, I walked with him! I taught him. I caught him and got him back up. And as many times as he would fall, I knew the day would come when he would do it himself. And that’s the point. Possibly the whole point…of this motherhood thing.


Liam is walking in The Golden Polka Dot mocs and they are our favorite. Only $24.99 and they stay on his little fat feet. If you go now to purchase some or any of their other products, use the code kellyhicks to get 15% off! Yeah. So go do that and psst they have really pretty colors for girls like misty rose, lilac, and lemon.

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