I finally found the time (and motivation!) to sit down and write my first official blog post since bringing Liam home. I think I picked up my “real” camera just once and these are the shots I got one morning. How sweet is Jack with him? He seems to love his baby brother, at least so far!

Liam is now 11 days old and had his 2nd checkup this morning. He now weighs 9 lbs 6 ounces so is now past his birth weight. Good job little big man! He seems pretty laid back so far but has definitely had his fussy times too – usually during feeding time. Even though I breastfed with Jack, it’s still been a learning process for both Liam and I. Although I will say it has been a lot easier this time around. I used to cry every time before Jack would feed from the soreness and pain. It was probably one of the hardest things I’ve done but I’m so glad we stuck it out because this time has been much easier.

Luckily since Liam was born, I’ve had a lot of help between D and my Mom. Next week though will be all me with both boys. Jack isn’t going to daycare while I’m on maternity leave so this will be a huge transition for all of us – going from full-time working Mama to full-time stay-at-home Mama to 2 (well until August when I go back to work). Lots of grace will be required of myself and the boys 🙂 I’ll have to refer back to this list many times! While I feel overwhelmed by it all, I’m hoping and praying to make the summer fun and memorable. Hopefully I will find time to document a lot of it on here too. I know they don’t stay little long!

Here’s some reminders to myself from my IG friends during this overwhelming, wonderful, terrifying time:

  • Recite the Lord’s prayer.
  • Lower expectations.
  • Breathe.
  • Forget yesterday’s troubles. Start each day fresh.
  • Remember it gets easier.
  • Soak up every precious moment.

Keep them coming friends 🙂

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