I love this age! Everything is new to him and it’s so fun to listen to him attempt words. He is definitely all boy! He loves playing in the dirt (and eating it!), throwing rocks, pointing at motorcycles and buses, and turning knobs and switches in the car. He would stay outside all day if he could. He now signs “please”, “thank you”, “all done”, and “more”. His new words lately have been “Deja”, “School Bus”, “Beef” (the dog at daycare), and “Night Night”.

Lately he has been fighting every step of the way not to go in his carseat… screaming, arching the back – full out tantrums. The distractions are becoming harder too so any Mama advice out there would be great! He has definitely found that toddler independence because he wants to do everything himself – eat with my fork, brush his teeth, hold Talullah’s leash, etc. etc.

But tantrums and all, he is so much fun. Savoring these moments since I hear the don’t last forever!

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