FASHION FRIDAY // winter light

I don’t know about you but Christmas just all of a sudden was here! Not quite sure how it happened but ever since Jack arrived on the scene, life seemed to speed way up. And now he’s almost 9 months old and Christmas in is a couple days! This blog is an indication of how busy it’s been around here. Seems like the busier I am, the quieter the blog.

But as you can see, we received a whole lot of snow and it looks like it’s sticking. Fine by me because I’m a fan of white Christmases. Today I caught the sun out. There is something so beautiful about the sun on snow. I love it so much. Especially when it makes some crazy sun flares. That’s even more fun.

I’m wearing…

Shirt: Forever 21
Scarf: Handmade by my mom
Skirt: Forever 21
Belt: Borrowed from Hannah
Boots: TJ Maxx
Necklace: Forever 21


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