Oh boy, do I feel huge haha. It’s getting a lot harder to move around. Last night I was sitting on the couch and my drink was on the coffee table in front of me and I decided it was too much work to lean over and grab it. Wow. I also watched a little of A Baby Story and that was a bad idea because that made me SCARED. Really scared. The moaning that was coming from those women was just too much to watch. I’m definitely not ruling out an epidural before I experience birth because the saying the pain looks terrible is an understatement. When God said he was going to make child birth painful for women, I guess he wasn’t kidding around. The silver lining though is that after it, I will have a little baby to hold. I’m going to try to picture that as much as I can while going through labor. And yeah I’m probably going to keep the television off of A Baby Story for now 😉
Hi! I am a first time commenter, but I had to give you some encouragement. I had my first baby September 2010 and I remember turning on 16 and Pregnant and was absolutely sure no one could live through that pain. Those girls were screaming! I am happy to tell you that it was not nearly as bad as I had heard/seen. Besides, if you are concentrating on labor, you won’t even be able to scream. Just practice breathing (if you do a birthing class that helps a lot!) and learn to just focus as much as you can. Yes, contractions hurt…I was on Pitocin and that makes things not so fun, but honestly if I hadn’t had Pitocin I would have done it without an epidural. I promise you can do it! This is coming from someone who has never broken a bone or had surgery or even a cavity…I’m scared of pain. If I can do it, anyone can 🙂
If you feel huge now, just wait til you’re nearing the end! It’s so hard! I always tried to enjoy the end of my pregnancies because after the baby is born, it’s kind of strange to get used to having an empty belly again. But all I could think every day was “I CAN’T WAIT TO GET THIS OVER WITH!” Hahaha.
As for the labor pains, I got an epidural with both of my labors and by the time active labor rolled around, even that didn’t help with the pain. I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but I just think it’s important to be prepared for one of the biggest challenges of your life. The amazing part is that once the baby is born you will forget what the pain even felt like! Then you’ll be saying “I knew I COULDN’T do it…and then I did!” When you’re in that home stretch, just remember…no one stays pregnant forever! That baby will come out!
Kelly you look adorable!! I might take some heat from women who actually went through the birth process, but I’ll say it anyway. My sister let me be there when she had her second child. Her experience was, yes it hurt, but she had really good breathing and mentally prepared herself to go through labor. She was surprisingly calm and collect. It was nothing like I imagined, no screaming or anything. It was soo beautiful! It’s incredible that a child can grow from a little seed inside of your own body, such a miracle!! So, hopefully knowing that for some women it goes really smooth, maybe it will balance out the horror stories you hear!! I’ll pray it goes smoothly! 🙂
Hi Kelly,
I LOVE checking out your blog and seeing what your latest post is about! Your “pregnancy” posts are very close to home with me because I am 39 weeks and 5 days TODAY! This is my fourth and I cannot wait to see this babies precious face!
I want to encourage you just a little! I had my last two little ladies completely natural at a birthing center here in Tucson. It was truly a wonderful experience. Yes, it hurt but as soon as they came out, I literally forgot ALL about the pain and was instantly in love with this new little person! This time around, I am excited to have an epidural! Every experience has been SO different but SO special. Take courage, pray about it in advance and God will totally give you every ounce of strength that you need! Remember He promises to never give us more than we can handle…I believe that in labor and delivery as well! Good luck to you!
Wow thanks for all the encouragement girls! I really appreciate it. The unknown is pretty scary but you are right at the end, it will be worth it! Definitely helps to hear what others have experienced 🙂 Thank you!!
Hello and congrats! I am currently 26 weeks pregnant and stumbled across your blog somehow from a Soon Maternity clothing search.
Question: what is the t-shirt you are wearing in your weekly updates?
Congrats Tea! My shirt is from Target – the maternity section.