Last week Dustin and I drove to Stockton, Missouri to visit his parents. Wow what a long drive but it was definitely worth it!  Both his sisters and their families also drove down and met us so there was a house full of 15 people at one point!

Our trip consisted of visiting, thrift shopping in Springfield, eating home-cooked meals, a kitchen makeover, and a senior photo session – which I’ll show later! Here’s some pictures I captured along the way…

A couple of my finds in Springfield:

1) Shirt $2.00
2) Mini McCoy Pitcher $6.00
3) Vintage 50’s Shorts $35.00
4) Vintage Wrangler Shirt for my Hubby $18.00
5) Wall Hanging $3.00

Lastly Dustin and I helped his mom redo her kitchen! I guess I inherited my parents’ gene of doing projects while visiting friends/family! haha She had been wanting to get rid of that wallpaper ever since she moved in so we thought it would be a great time to do so! She loves the new color and is planning a couple other projects to complete the makeover. Here’s the before and after:

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