Hi I’m back! I had a great week in Alabama with my sisters and while it’s nice to be home with my husband, I am definitely going to miss Gulf Shores! More on that to come later! For now here’s 5 things I am currently loving!

1) Sister Time

Ahh! I miss them already! It was great to have a full week of just sister time. Since we are pretty far apart in age (26,22, and 18) it was nice to take a time out from life and catch up with each other. Next year all 3 of us will be in different states. I think all of us hope that one day we can live close and share our lives together on a daily basis. But for now we will have to settle for trips like this! This is us in New Orleans last week. Later I will do a full post on our trip 🙂

2) Clean Beaches

Thankfully we experienced no oil while in Gulf Shores. Everyday they said it would hit and we never even saw a little of it! The first picture is from standing on the porch of the beach house we stayed at. The beaches are gorgeous there; white fine sand, warm clear water, and not crowded at all! It would be such a shame if these beaches destroyed due to the oil. Fingers crossed!!

3) Naturally Curly Hair

I used to HATE my naturally curly hair growing up. I even took extreme measures such as ironing it! Not smart!! As I grew up I started appreciating it more and more and letting it go natural. Plus it’s so much easier than blow-drying and straightening. While we were in Alabama I couldn’t believe how curly it was! I had forgotten how much humidity can play a factor in how curly it gets. Here’s how I do it when I let it go natural:

First I comb it out with a pick in the shower with the conditioner still in. Then I towel dry and run my fingers through it. Next I apply the following products:

First I apply the smoothing milk and let it naturally dry. After it’s almost dry I apply a few sprays of the curl shaping gel over my whole head. You only need 3 or 4 sprays! I use these fructis products because they are very affordable and gives me the right balance between soft and move-able but also held together.

Anyone have any other products they use for naturally curly hair?

4) Love & Respect

We are currently reading Love and Respect in my girls weekly Bible study. I’ve only gotten through chapter 4 but I already really like it and identify with it. It’s mainly for the marrieds out there but I think it could apply to lots of opposite-sex relationships. It talks about why men and women need different things in a relationship, (love for women, respect for men) how to give each other that, and why conflict arises when it doesn’t happen. This book is for both men and women!

5) Affortable Rompers

All of these rompers are $50 and under! I think I could wear one every day this summer! I love that rompers can be in so many different styles and you can dress them up or down. Click on the image to find out about where to get each one. My favorite is that red one and it’s only $24!

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