He likes red wine.
She likes white.

He’s a dog person.
She likes little dogs.

He wore a tilted trucker hat in college.
So did she.

She likes to balance things.
He doesn’t like when she balances wine on her computer.

She successfully threw her 1st surprise birthday party.
He enjoyed it.

He’s 30.
She’s younger.

She dislikes punk rock.
He likes it.

He likes shadow puppets.
She thinks they’re creepy.

She thinks he looks good in scarves.
He is nervous to wear them.

She is always cold.
He is always warm.

He doesn’t have favorites.
She makes them up for him.

He likes the Packers.
She likes the Vikings.

He’s from Wisconsin.
She’s from Minnesota.

She loves to dance.
He picked her up with his dance moves.

He tweets.
She instagrams.

He’s a morning person.
She’s a night owl.

He must have candy while watching a movie.
She eats his candy.

He gets her water.
She gets mad when he drinks it.

He goes to sleep in 2 seconds.
She can’t go to sleep until he is.

She thinks he’s funny.
He is.

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